SciDB has extensive documentation but there is no official tutorial or getting started guide. In this post, we go over some of the tutorials and getting started materials available online.

Please note that some of the materials listed here are more than two years old and specific functions or commands might have been deprecated and replaced in newer versions of SciDB. One example is the count operator which was deprecated in version 13.12 and removed in version 14.3. Now, aggregate(..., count(...)) is used. We decided to still include old materials for the educational value they provide.


SciDB and R

Paradigm4 provides a SciDB package for R. The package can be found on GitHub. Below are some demo and tutorial videos on how to use this package:

  • Demo Video: Interactive Data Exploration with SciDB, Alex Poliakov, ~8min, March 2015
    A Shinyapp visualization using 1000 Genomes data.
  • Tutorial Video: Querying and Visualizing SciDB data with R, Bryan Lewis, ~3min, January 2013
    Bryan Lewis shows how to query SciDB data with R data.frame iterators and visualize it with R graphics tools.
  • Tutorial Video: An Innovative Integration of R and SciDB, Bryan Lewis, ~3min, January 2013
    Link up the ease-of-use of R with seamlessly integrated data management and a massively scalable math library to build solutions that scale from prototype to production without rewriting any code.

SciDB and Python

Paradigm4 also provides a SciDB package for Python. The package can be found on GitHub as well. Below are some tutorial videos on how to use this package:

  • Tutorial Video: Timeseries Data in SciDB, Bryan Lewis and Jake Vanderplas, ~28min, February 2015
    We’ll demonstrate working with timeseries data in SciDB and present basic examples that illustrate SciDB’s native analytics capabilities including aggregation and data decimation, regression and generalized linear models, covariance matrices, singular value decomposition, and extending SciDB with custom operations. The examples apply to a broad range of applications including quantitative finance, econometrics, and risk and credit analysis.
  • Tutorial Video: Using SciDB from Python, Bryan Lewis, Travis Oliphant, and Jake Vanderplas, ~56min, July 2013

Various other demo and overview videos are available on the Paradigm4 YouTube channel.